The Community Foundation of NCW has presented $200 grants to 14 organizations to support 2019 Make A Difference Day projects.
They are: Chelan-Douglas Community Action Council, Cascade Christian Academy, Camp Fire North Central Washington Council, Entiat Tree Board, Foster Creek Conservation District, Lincoln Elementary PTA, Malaga-Colockum Community Council, Ohme Gardens Friends Society, SAGE, Wenatchee River Institute at Barn Beach Reserve, WestSide High School, WRC – Women’s Resource Center, Women’s Service League of NCW, and Wenatchee Valley YMCA.
Grants are available each year and made possible by the Make A Difference Day fund at the Community Foundation, created by prizes from USA Weekend magazine and other sponsors, from nine national awards the Wenatchee Valley has received since 1992. The grants perpetuate past projects to continue into the future.
Over 70 projects are being planned for Oct. 26. Thank you all for making such a big difference in our communities!